Hindu Rashtra Dal
What the Hindu Rashtra Dal believes in
- A strong and united Hindustan, comprising India, "Bangladesh" and Nepal.
- A powerful and self-reliant military of the people
- Compulsory military service for all adults
- Elimination of so-called Westminster democracy from India
- The abolition of man-worship and idol-worship throughout Hindustan
- Constant struggle against all forms of imperialism, eg. Hindi-imperiialism.
- Compulsory nationalisation of core industries / sectors
- An end to all forms of exploitation of man by man, eg. Capitalism, Fascism etc..
- An exponential wealth tax to regulate economic disparities in Hindustan
- An end to police and judicial tyranny.
List of topics in this website.

Book Summary: Why Godse killed Gandhi ? Author: V.T.Rajshekar
About the Book
Partition of India brought immense benefit to the Aryan upper castes particularly the vaidiks who became the ruling class of India. If India was not partitioned then there was no question of a vaidik (Jawaharlal Nehru) becoming the first Prime Minister of India and thw brahminical exploitation reaching its climax. The credit for transferring the power from the British to the Brahmins, by cunningly avoiding the Muslim hindrance through partition, goes to none else but Gandhi. That is how the practical-minded vaidiks led by Nehru goaded Gandhi to secretly support partition though as a typical Hindu Gandh spoke one thing but acted against it. Gandhi quietly schemed a partition and the honest Brahmin in Godse mistook Gandhi believing his words that Gandhi was sincerely against partition though in fact he colluded in dividing India and that is why Godse killed him.
ISBN 978-81-2121-297-7